To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Southern Ceramic Group with talks by Mella Shaw and Cadi Froehlich.
10.30am The Brickworks Museum opens to SCG members, who can look round the museum and the installation (see below)
11am Start The Big Build which will continue throughout the day inviting members and the public to join in. The Big Build will be a collaborative project using provided clay to roll coils and add them to one large form, to see how large a structure can be achieved. Ongoing details may include smaller individual builds for the public to explore the medium.
11.30am – 12.30pm Talk 1, Mella Shaw (
12.30 – 1.30pm Lunch break
1.30 – 2.30pm Talk 2, Cadi Froehlich (
2.30 – 3.30pm Cadi continues to demonstrate (slipware)
Mella and Cadi will be available all day to talk to members of SCG and the public, perhaps to support The Big Build whilst the other is talking (tbc)
All day Hanging Installation (see below) in the drying room
3.45pm Photographs and final conclusion of Big Build
4pm Mella and Cadi to judge Installation and award prizes
Ceremony to recognize founder members of SCG (Janice Fry, Liz Gale etc)
Toast the Southern Ceramic Group with drinks and cake.